Accounting Jobs Houston

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Like most industries, accounting and other financial positions have not fared wonderfully in light of the coronavirus pandemic. While the accounting sector did not see a dramatic decrease, there has not been any kind of substantial sector growth indicating there are a lot of new accounting jobs available in Houston, Texas. Keep reading…

New Houston Accounting Jobs

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About Houston Accounting Jobs

Current estimates indicate there are roughly 3,000 accounting positions in Houston and just under 100 accounting or related positions available to external applicants. Accounting positions can take a variety of forms, but the two primary types are through a designated accounting firm that gets contracted out to other businesses or via a business’ private accounting department, which is increasingly uncommon except for among extremely large companies. For example, the Houston Methodist hospital system has its own accounting department because of its size as well as the specialization of medial accounting.

Qualifications and Income

While not always required, most accountants receive a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, usually statistics before going on to get their licenses. Not every accountant has a license, but most opt to get their CPA license which allows them greater accounting power and credibility. Accountants also specialize in one or more areas, some examples of accounting specializations include auditing and managerial accounting, both of which are particularly common specializations in Houston. The mean income for accountants in Houston is roughly $45,000 to $75,000 annually, although that number can be higher for particularly experienced or specialized accountants.

Major Employers and Feedback

Major accounting firms in the Houston area include Deloitte LLP, Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP, and Ernst & Young LLP. Collectively, they employ over 1500 CPAs in the Houston area and contract with multiple Houston businesses. While accountants do not necessarily view their jobs negatively, long term job satisfaction among accountants is slightly lower than in other sectors. This seems to be primarily due to the limited nature of the position, meaning opportunities for career advancement are lower and that accountants do not always find their jobs as fulfilling as they hope. Still, accountants report higher work-life balances on average and are generally appreciative of the good salary and benefits they earn.

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