As a relatively progressive city, Denver is bursting with a huge variety of non-profit companies with many diverse missions. One of the world’s largest non-profits, The United Way, was actually established in Denver back in 1887 as a means of coordinating emergency relief funds. The organization still has an office in Denver to this day and fields tens of thousands of emergency calls every year. Denver’s history of giving doesn’t end there, though. Keep reading…
New Denver Non Profit Jobs
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About Denver Non Profit Jobs
One of the largest modern-day non-profits in the Denver area is the Food Bank of the Rockies, which has made it its mission to address food insecurity head-on in Colorado and distributes hundreds of thousands of pounds of food statewide every single year. Because the food bank operates primarily from volunteer labor, it only has a couple hundred employees, most of whom have managerial or coordination positions.
Tackling Homelessness
Another major non-profit organization in the Denver area is the Colorado Coalition of the Homeless. With an almost $70 million annual operating budget, the coalition has made it their mission to address the root cause of homelessness in Colorado by providing housing, health, and career support to house-less individuals across the state.
Similar to the food bank, the Coalition relies on volunteer work but still employs several hundred full-time employees in a variety of coordination and social support positions. Currently, there are well over 500 available jobs across the spectrum of non-profits operating out of Denver and several thousand current employees.
Income Opportunity
Non-profit income levels vary lately. Even foundations with enormous operating budgets or revenues, like the Coalition or the Food Bank, use most of that money towards their missions. However, upper-level positions at a non-profit can pay well over $60,000 to $70,000 annually in addition to having very favorable benefits packages.
These numbers vary depending on the necessary qualifications, such as a social work license or managerial experience. Lower-level positions tend to be hourly wages, around $15 to $18 hourly depending on the role and necessary qualifications.