Non Profit Jobs Houston

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Houston, Texas is home to hundreds of different non-profit foundations of varying sizes and varying missions. Some are oriented towards the arts, others towards education and plenty more towards service and charitable giving. While most non-profits are relatively small in their operating capacity, the number of them makes working for a non-profit a common occupation among Houston residents. Keep reading…

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About Houston Non Profit Jobs

In general, non-profit employees make close to the average Houston income of around $50,000 annually or are hourly employees, often only working part-time. However, non-profit employees report some of the highest rates of job satisfaction in any sector because they feel strongly that the work they are doing matters and aligns closely with their values. The downside to this is that a work-life balance becomes trickier to maintain when employees are so invested in their work.

A Few Houston Non Profits

While there are many Houston non-profits to evaluate, we have focused on some of the largest with regard to their budgets and number of employees. One of the biggest non-profit foundations in Houston is BakerRipley, a philanthropic company with the intention of serving underprivileged communities in Houston and adjacent areas. It employs almost 1500 people in various positions. The majority of their employees are in executive positions, but they also hire counselors and community outreach specialists with the mission of best serving Houston communities in need.

Another major Houston non-profit organization is the Houston Food Bank, whose mission statement is “Leading the fight against hunger.” The food bank runs primarily on the help of volunteers, so most of its employees handle resource distribution and acquisition or help to organize volunteer events.

Finally, KIPP Texas Public Schools is a nationally affiliated non-profit seeking to serve underprivileged communities in the Houston area. It operates 34 tuition-free schools in the city and employs almost 1500 people, including educators and staff. Beyond these three organizations, Houston is full of many other non-profit businesses dedicated to serving the city and the community inside of it.

Background and Opportunities

These three organizations give an idea of just how diverse non-profit organizations can be in their missions. In general, however, non-profits run primarily on volunteer work and the majority of smaller organizations have 50 or fewer employees and even fewer full-time staff. They tend to hire for service-oriented positions for applicants with backgrounds in social work, counseling, and often business management as well but overall there are is an immense variety of job opportunities at non-profits in Houston.

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