Production Assistant Jobs NYC

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A production assistant is somebody who has a job in theater, television, or movie sets as an assistant to the executive person. The responsibilities of a production assistant in NYC are to prepare the crew and cast for their shoot on a daily basis. An important part of the job is to convey the guidelines to all people on the set and ensure that all tasks are completed efficiently. Keep reading…

New NYC Production Assistant Jobs

About NYC Production Assistant Jobs

Since there are many different production houses in NYC, there are many such jobs available in NYC.


Production assistant work requires one to send call sheets to all actors and crew members. Call sheets include all the items needed on set as well as the actors who are required to film the scenes. Thus, it is the responsibility of the production assistant to gather all the required people and items timely on set.

Production assistants are also required to ensure that actors get to their makeup rooms in time and announce the times at which each scene would begin shooting.

Including other responsibilities, a production assistant job involves gathering the resources and running errands around the production house to facilitate the director.

Career Path

While not all production assistant jobs in NYC require a formal degree, directors and producers appreciate if production assistants have a bachelor’s degree in media, television, or mass communication. The only purpose of these degrees is that it assists in acquiring strong communication and other skills that are important in becoming a production assistant.

If you want to pursue a long-term career in TV or filmmaking, it could be beneficial to acquire a degree before you start working as a production assistant. However, many people who are currently pursuing their formal degree in media or television opt for work opportunities or internships as production assistants in order to gain field experience that could help them in the future.


A good production assistant is likely to have certain skills that make them eligible and competent for the job. This includes good communication skills, collaborating effectively with other individuals, and knowing how to manage a team.

Example Positions

Production houses are not the only companies who hire production assistants. Instead, many media or technology-related companies also require production assistants on their team.

Current job openings for production assistants in NYC include:

  • Digital Production Assistant at Fox Corporation: responsible for cutting and editing videos, multitasking, and managing filming schedules.
  • Digital Production Assistant at Bon Appetit, Conde Nast: responsible for building articles and recipe videos for the website and manage the newsletter system.
  • Anchor Production Assistant at NBC Universal: responsible to assist the anchor in compiling research, deliver live updates during a program, and do quick research on breaking news stories to display on air.

The Final Word

Beginning to work as a production assistant in NYC could be difficult, but it is certainly worth it if you are ambitious in the field of media. Production assistants will typically be required to carry out a multitude of duties, thus it is beneficial to have various skills and experience in working under stressful conditions.

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